I few into Colorado on a Tuesday and spent most of the next week fixing up things around the house.
Tuesday: Arrived at airport and picked up rental car. Drove to Parker and shopped for groceries. Met Mike at Home Depot and picked out tile for bathroom floor.
Wednesday: Begin floor replacement, Kristen came by with lunch, cleaning, shopping, met new tenants. Etc.
Also got to pick Mikes brain about remodeling this bathroom so we can have the shower room we want and a tub and not knock out the office in the process. Mikes idea....expand the room out. build onto the house. maybe like adding a bay-window without the big windows. Great idea.
Thursday-Friday: More of the same, work, work, work. Carpet cleaners, pool table movers, trips to the library every day to work on the internet.
Saturday: located one lid to septic tank, Kent finds the other that night in the dark. Borrow truck, trailer and tractor from good neighbors, Paula and John. Pick Kent up at airport, home in time for Tashina's wedding reception.
Sunday: Church in Elizabeth ward. Still feels like home. Dinner with Christiansen's, caught a bit of the Bronco football game. Had to leave early Bishop Bart was having a youth fireside. We had a little fire in the fire pit, enjoyed the cool weather.
Monday: Kent is able to take truck and trailer full of junk to dump yard early back by 8:00. Septic pumped, fireplace set straight, broken basket ball stand dug up, wahser/dryer moved to basement storage. Kent to airport. Dinner at Kristen's with the kids and missionaries.
Tuesday: Clean up all my stuff, pack and load car. Leslie shows me her new home. Kristen meets me at my place and takes my leftover food.
Left a list of projects for friend Mike to do. Replace kitchen faucets, replace guts from hall toilet, fix leak on jacuzzi tub so water doesn't run on power box. Flashing on gutter to stop leak/ice on porch.
We almost got to see our favorite
tree at our favorite time of the year.
tree at our favorite time of the year.
The tile looks really nice!!
These picture bring back good memories, can't wait until we can go out there again.
Few questions:
How did the basketball hoop brake?
Why did you need pool table movers?
The stand just broke in half.
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