Jordyn had a double date for valentines. The date involved the four of them coming to our house and making a lasagna, while it was cooking they played Halo. As she tells it. The food was great, the boys had seconds and thirds. After dinner they played a game involving shooting Nerf darts at each other (she says that was the most fun) The date ended with desert the boys brought and walking Gypsy. Jordyn says it was really fun. She may be in big trouble though because they did not take pictures so we will just have to imagine.
Dad and I had to evacuate the house for the evening so we drove to Cocoa Beach. We had an early dinner at the Lobster Shanty. This restaurant had a lot of atmosphere.

We had seating on the water.

We had a view of interesting structures

And a long dock that we could walk down and see where we were sitting.

another view from the end of the dock.

From our hotel we walked to the beach

and saw a sunset

but we never did get anyone to take our picture together.